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This marker isn't as well known as it should be. This is the prototype BPS Reflex cocker, the very first one. Unlike most inventions in paintball, the reflex system did not come into being through a paintball player. Instead, a friend of a player who was a Mechanical Engineer came up with the design to turn a cocker into a fully automatic shooter. This was that first design. You'll notice a few odd things about it. It has a huge, bulky 3 way attached to the slotted rod. It also weighs a metric ton. The next thing that should stick out is the ram behind the hammer. It lacks a trigger return spring. Beyond that, it lacks a slide check valve allowing it to switch between semi and full auto. In other words, this cocker is R/T only.
This one is one of my first twister R/T cockers, and the one I have used as a test bed over the past 5 years. Almost nothing with this cocker is off the shelf. It has an Annihilation kit with prototype parts, prototype valve, prototype bolt, twister milled grips, twister milled barrel, ego feedneck mod, twister lite body with knockout milling, twister powerhouse reg ano'ed to match, and a dyed to match CTRL loader. This marker has seen and continues to see the field a ton, and was one of the markers I shot when we won the MVT at Fulda. This thing sounds angry when you shoot it, and absolutely flies.
This is the sister gun to the grey and purple marker, and the literal transition to the next pair, the F-Series. This sports an original reflex kit that's been milled out to lighten it, and was not built until I did so a few years ago. The body was a twister lite, which was also knockout milled and ego feedneck mod. The barrel is a freaked jacko infinity, and the ano was done by Caustic Customs. The body is very special in that it was the test bed for the development of the F-Series cockers,
This is the F-Series Autococker #1, the Thunderstruck F-5. This one has also seen heavy rotation, and was the other marker used when we took MVT at Fulda. It can absolutely throw paint, and packs an original reflex kit that was raw and unused prior to this build. The trigger shoe is lasered with the Boston Paintball logo, and it uses an Annihilation bolt and 3 way set up for the slotted rod. It also has a the stock frame, front block, and pump kit.
With the Thunderstruck being the Alpha of the F-Series, this is the Omega of Boston Paintball cockers, twisters and prior. This is F Series #150, the Capstone Twister. It has a tribute to every single line of cockers ever built by boston paintball in it, as well as their other twisters. The ano is from the first express cocker, featured in the 'King of Buds' ad (Blizzard Anodizing). It uses the F series body kit, which combined the styles of the clamshell, 45, and lv1. It has the LV1/CS1/CS2 feedneck, with the LV1 being that being the gun that brought back the cocker by being the cash cow allowing for the new twisters. It also has the Empire feedneck as shown here to cover the Empire twister line, along with the Empire barrel used with the Vanquish and Axe lines. It uses and updated form of the reflex kit, advancing the form by being the first swing reflex made while playable tribute. The lower tube uses the inception designs kit, as a tribute to the ID markers.
This is the very first prototype Annihilation kit, built on a fully body Inception Designs Twister Excalibur. The marker sports a full Inception Stella Barrel Kit, including the freak bored back. It also has been hardlined, uses a prototype Annihilation bolt, and reshaped black pearl grips. It has been extensively parts swapped for back highlights, has a muffler tip for at-field or at-home tuning. This marker was the proto-of-concept that let me move forward with Annihilation kits.
This is the other prototype Inception Designs Twister with the Annihilation kit. This kit packs the original front block that's much tighter to the barrel, only allowing the Outkast LPR to actually fit on the block. It also is on a modified Ressurection frame, cut to fit autocockers. It has reshaped 45 pearl grips to match the 86* frame, a freaked dye barrel, another custom milled and turned barrel, and was actually a parts build. I built this to make sure that the Annihilation kits could work on mini bodies, and they really, really do. It's the shooter I now use the absolute most. It also has the matching twister Powerhouse reg, and dyed Pink R2.
MagFEd and AT
I do occasionally play magfed, and try not to embarrass myself. When I do play that way, I use my FSC with one of the four tips I have, the Nemesis barrel, and either the comically large scope (for Han-like purposes) or a much smaller red dot. This was also my first marker that I played around on a mill with, so it does have some sentimental value. I carry it on a chest rig when playing. It is fun to sometimes not be carrying 3/4 of a case at once.
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